Tatsuru Arai


Tatsuri Arai’s main artistic theme is integrating classical compositions with new technology, creating “TRANS-AGES MUSIC,” and presenting the fundamental physical nature of the universe as perceptual experiences that embody the aesthetics of “geometric structure.” The perception of sound is a transformative physical phenomenon that significantly influences human beings. Tatsuri Arai’s work, with its focus on the ‘geometric structure,’ enables us to comprehend the true nature of the universe. Through his sound, we can experience a profound glimpse of the universe's essence.

He is performing this work in over sixty cities. Face Of Universe started at the Zerone Festival in Seoul, South Korea. In 2023, it was exhibited at CIKE (Creative Industry Kosice) as an EMAP (European Media Art) Residency in Slovakia, ISEA 2023 in Paris/Marseille/ Cean, Madatac 2023 in Madrid, Share Festival/Turin art week in Turin, etc. In a similar project, Performance works "Re-Solarization” and other collaborated performances were held Sonica Glasgow, LPM Münster, Japan fest in Kaunas Lithuania. Also, in April 2023, the video work performance “Face Of Universe” was performed at the Berlin Philharmonic Hall. In December 2023, “Re-solarization” will be performed at Philharmonie de Paris at Nemo Biennale in Paris.


Studio Waldemeyer


The Others Studio